The ISAFA continues to promote the science of football and to put profession-als together in the middle of the global Covid-19 crisis.
It is an unprecedented time that the world is going through at this moment… 2020 will be a year to re-member for generations to come, where the Covid-19 virus has put the entire world at its knees. Giant corporates, business, academic institutions, enterprises shut down and towns transformed into ghost cities. Meanwhile, scientists with different backgrounds have been working hard and against the clock to find ways to remedy to this global pandemic and to help people getting-by from day-to-day. The ISAFA has made an effort from its side to shed some light on the challenges and the opportunities this current situation has brought thanks to all its members and volunteers. Hence, this edition has included exam-ples of good practices that few football clubs have used to overcome the confinement imposed by all countries (check the interview with Sean Malcolm and the report by Arben Asllani). Some difficulties and hurdles are also highlighted.